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Virtual Solution Selling
About the training
The goal of the e-training (0:57)
How the training is organized (1:11)
Virtual Solution Selling case: Acme AB and Fluidtechnologies (0:55)
How have skilled salespeople adapted to the digital sales environment (4:12)
The virtual buying- and selling process
The virtual selling process (0:43)
The digital buying and selling process
How has the customer’s buying process changed (0:30)
The virtual buying process (Buyers perspective) (3:31)
The virtual buying and selling process - The initiative phase (1:24)
The virtual buying and selling process - Needs and Power Questions phase (0:38)
The virtual buying and selling process - Solution phase (1:37)
The virtual buying and selling process - The risk phase (0:45)
Digital sales challenges
Four digital sales challenges (1:26)
Digital challenges in the customer's buying process - 1. Information overload (0:45)
Digital challenges in the customer's buying process - 2. Death by demo (0:56)
Digital challenges in the customer's buying process - 3. No commitment (1:07)
Digital challenges in the customer's buying process - 4. No decision (1:19)
Create your own studio
Creating a virtual selling studio with a budget of 200 EUR (0:25)
Creating a virtual selling studio - level 1 (0:31)
Creating a virtual selling studio - level 2 (0:37)
Creating a virtual selling studio - level 3 (0:35)
How to prepare the virtual selling process (1:43)
Preparing the customer: Sharing information about you before the meeting (1:27)
Information that you should send about your company before the first virtual selling meeting (0:24)
Customer research
The timebox technology for structured virtual selling meetings (2:42)
Digital sales pitch
How to create a digital sales pitch (1:41)
Example of a digital sales pitch for ACME (1:21)
Digital prospecting
Using Social Selling to prospecting (2:15)
Booking selling meetings with Social Selling (1:58)
Key questions©: Creating engagement before the virtual selling meeting (1:44)
How to use a digital story
How to use a digital story to create a target image
How to make a virtual story
Power Questions
What are power questions - how are they used in a virtual sales meeting? (1:52)
Example of a poor needs analysis at a digital sales meeting, Acme (1:14)
Coachning av Peter med feedback och förberedelser inför Power questions (0:51)
Power questions part 1 - create a target image (2:52)
Power questions del 2 - finding pain (3:01)
Power questions part 2 - finding customer pain (4:26)
Power questions part 3 - qualifying and creating the path forward
Example of a good needs analysis at a digital sales meeting
Coaching with Peter after good Power questions (1:40)
Solution Mapping, create a solution
What is Solution Mapping (0:47)
How to do Solution Mapping (2:21)
To have a digital meeting with several people at the same time (1:05)
To have a digital meeting with a person (0:40)
To ensure that the technology works (1:36)
Example - Solution Mapping meeting (8:45)
Digital close/action plan
Close a deal on a digital sales meeting (0:25)
Prepare to close the deal (2:09)
Digital tools for closing deals (1:08)
Example - Closing the deal (3:46)
Final Quiz
Task 1 - Create your own sales studio
Uppgift 2 - Välj kundcase att använda för att utveckla din förmåga till digital lösningsförsäljning
Uppgift 3 - Gör en digital säljpitch
Uppgift 4 – skapa en digital story / målbild
Uppgift 5 - Power questions©
Uppgift 6 - Solution mapping©
Uppgift 7 - Värdeskapande avslut
Sammanfattning av Acme exempel (2:19)
Breakthrough moments (1:45)
Coaching av säljare som jobbar digitalt (5:04)
Teach online with
Power questions part 3 - qualifying and creating the path forward
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